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Alaska '01


  The company that I work for offers a benefit where the
   employees receive a sabbatical every seven years. 
  Because I was on Ex-Pat assignment in Asia and later
  as a local hire there, I did not get to take my
  sabbatical in '92 when it was due.  I returned
  to the states in '97 thinking I had lost it.
  Before the benefits department could
  catch up to me, I had taken off sailing
  in Indonesia and Australia
When I returned in '99, they finally
This map is found me and asked when I was
generated using going to take my sabbatical.
Microsoft Street's & This came as a complete
Trips.  Not the best shock to me. After much
Ocean navigation tool agonizing I finally
but it gets the idea across. scheduled my time off
Click on the X's along the for the summer of
route to see more details about 2000, when I went
each point.  Some were stops we back to Mooloolaba
made, others are just points of to pack up
interest along the way. ß (cont'd)
Dragon's Toy and ship her back
across the Pacific.  Due to some quirk
of the longshoreman fees, off loading in
San Francisco was going to cost me $5000
more than either Long Beach or Portland.
Having had enough of upwind sailing, I chose
the upwind port (Portland) to off load thinking I
could make a nice two week jaunt to get back
downwind to Sacramento. 
When I returned to work, just for fun, I called up
Employee Benefits to ask when I was next eligible for
sabbatical.  I just about fell out of my chair when they told me I
was eligible in January of 2001 (only 4 months away).  That very
quickly set in motion plans for the next great adventure, "The Quest
for Tequila Ice."  This would be a quest to find the perfect glacial
ice (more on this later) to put in tequila on the rocks.

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Last modified: February 01, 2009